What are the different Difficulties?

Difficulty will affect what items one has avilable to them to complete the game as well as modify some of the usages of items.


Easy is like Normal, but makes it easier travelling through hyrule. While you will never find more than 4 swords, there are twice as many chances to get an upgrade.

Items that have 2x chance of finding:

  • Swords
  • Armors
  • Shields
  • Bottles
  • ½ Magic

finding the second ½ Magic tucked away in easy will get you ¼ Magic

Also just like vanilla you will have 3x the opportunities to get Lamp!


This is the standard game item pool. no special rules or adjustments have been changes with items or counts from what one would find in the original game.

Item pool:

  • 6x Arrow Upgrade (+5)
  • 1x Arrow Upgrade (+10)
  • 1x Single Arrow
  • 10x Big Key
  • 1x Blue Mail
  • 6x Bomb Upgrade (+5)
  • 1x Bomb Upgrade (+10)
  • 1x Bombos
  • 1x Book Of Mudora
  • 1x Boomerang
  • 4x Bottle (filled with assorted things)
  • 1x Bow
  • 1x Bug Catching Net
  • 1x Cane Of Byrna
  • 1x Cane Of Somaria
  • 11x Compass
  • 12x Dungeon Map
  • 1x Ether
  • 7x Fifty Rupees
  • 1x Fighters Shield
  • 1x Fighters Sword
  • 1x Fire Rod
  • 1x Fire Shield
  • 4x Five Rupees
  • 1x Flippers
  • 1x Flute
  • 1x Golden Sword
  • 1x ½ Magic
  • 1x Hammer
  • 1x Sanctuary Heart Container
  • 10x Heart Container
  • 1x Hookshot
  • 1x Ice Rod
  • 28x Small Key
  • 1x Lamp
  • 1x Magic Cape
  • 1x Magic Mirror
  • 1x Magic Powder
  • 1x Magical Boomerang
  • 1x Master Sword
  • 1x Mirror Shield
  • 1x Moon Pearl
  • 1x Mushroom
  • 1x One Hundred Rupees
  • 2x One Rupee
  • 1x Pegasus Boots
  • 24x Piece Of Heart
  • 1x Power Glove
  • 1x Quake
  • 1x Red Mail
  • 1x Shovel
  • 1x Silver Arrows Upgrade
  • 1x Tempered Sword
  • 5x Ten Arrows
  • 10x Three Bombs
  • 5x Three Hundred Rupees
  • 1x Titans Mitt
  • 28x Twenty Rupees


Hard was designed for people who like a challenge. The following items have been removed:

  • Arrow Capacity Upgrades
  • Bomb Capacity Upgrades
  • Boomerangs
  • Golden Sword
  • Magic Upgrade
  • Red Mail
  • Mirror Shield

The following items have had their count reduced:

  • Arrows
  • Bombs
  • Heart Containers (only 5 available)
  • Rupees

The following items have been adjusted:

  • Magic Cape uses 2x Magic (except in spike cave)
  • Cane of Byrna uses 2x Magic (except in spike cave)
  • Magic Powder does not turn Bubbles into Fairies
  • Bug Net doesn't catch fairies
  • There are only 2 Bottles (4 in Major Glitches)
  • Potions heal 5 hearts and restore 1/2 magic


Expert is for people really seeking a challenge. The following items have been removed:

  • Arrow Capacity Upgrades
  • Bomb Capacity Upgrades
  • Boomerangs
  • Golden Sword
  • Heart Containers
  • Magic Upgrade
  • Mails
  • Shields
  • Silver Arrow Upgrade (except swordless)
  • Tempered Sword

The following items have had their count reduced:

  • Arrows
  • Bombs
  • Pieces of Heart (only 12 available)
  • Rupees

The following items have been adjusted:

  • Magic Cape uses 4x Magic (except in spike cave)
  • Cane of Byrna uses 4x Magic (except in spike cave)
  • Magic Powder does not turn Bubbles into Fairies
  • Bug Net doesn't catch fairies
  • There is only 1 Bottle (4 in Major Glitches)
  • Potions heal 1 heart and restore 1/4 magic
  • Shields in Shops are unpurchasable


Expert not cutting it for you? The following items have been removed:

  • Arrow Capacity Upgrades
  • Bomb Capacity Upgrades
  • Boomerangs
  • Golden Sword
  • Heart Containers
  • Pieces of Heart
  • Magic Upgrade
  • Mails
  • Shields
  • Silver Arrow Upgrade (except swordless)
  • Tempered Sword

The following items have had their count reduced:

  • Arrows
  • Bombs
  • Rupees

The following items have been adjusted:

  • Magic Cape uses 4x Magic (except in spike cave)
  • Cane of Byrna uses 4x Magic (except in spike cave)
  • Magic Powder does not turn Bubbles into Fairies
  • Bug Net doesn't catch fairies
  • There is only 1 Bottle (4 in Major Glitches)
  • Potions don't heal or restore magic
  • Shields in Shops are really unpurchasable