Twas the night of the weekly, when all throughout Twitch,
Not a creature was stirring, not even the witch.
The boots were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Sahasrahla soon would be there.

The soldiers were nestled, all snug in their beds,
While visions of Zelda danced in their heads,
And Uncle with his sword, and Link’s mail red,
Were trying to figure out who got the bed.

When out in the yard, a wind blew so cold,
Link dashed to the door, so brave and so bold,
Once outside the house, he slipped and fell down,
Climbing back to his feet, he gasped and he frowned.

“Hyrule’s all ice! It’s Ganon to blame!”
“With slippery physics, I can’t beat this game!”
“I still have to try, though my chances are slim,”
“But with the lakes frozen, I won't have to swim!”

In a brilliant flash, hearing Link’s cold mayday,
Came the top eight runners, on a miniature sleigh,
They beckoned him over, and while the ice was a pain,
Link hopped right aboard, and shouted their names!

“Now, CRANSOON! now, AA! now, CHRISTOS and BEN!”
“On, G3RD0! on KYONG! on, JSR and JEM!”
“To the top of Death Mountain! to the left side of Swamp!”
“Now race away! bonk away! dot done away all!"

With the talented runners, Link’s quest did embark,
He found all the items, in worlds light and dark,
It might have been tougher, calling for all wits,
Never once did our hero think of typing dot quit.

He beat Aga Two with the bug net for luck,
And chased after Ganon, with the loyal Swag Duck
, He fell down the hole, ready for Ganon’s tricks,
But even the silvers couldn’t prepare him for this.

“Ganon you fiend!” Link yelled at the boar,
“I’m sick of this ice; I can’t take any more!”
But Ganon just laughed as he turned out the lights,
One final surprise on this cold winter night.

I could tell you what happened in the pyramid that day,
But to see the surprise you’ll just have to play!
You’ll slip and you’ll slide, click that generate button,
And find out how winter makes Ganon more rotten!

In the end Link prevailed and raised the triforce,
Hyrule’s ice did melt, until the next seed, of course.
But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,

A very special huge thanks to all the people who helped make this a reality, especially:

  • Zarby89
  • Karkat
  • Myramong
  • Sosuke3
  • walking_eye
  • SmallHacker

- Veetorp