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V8 Updates

Switched to VT web based version



  • Link’s Uncle is now a regular item location and the Fighter’s Sword is part of the item pool
  • You no longer get a free lamp cone in the Sewers or anywhere in the Light World
  • Speaking to Uncle/speaking to Zelda in her cell no longer reactivates the rain state
  • Hyrule Castle/Sewer small key can be placed anywhere (except Boom chest + Zelda’s cell)
  • Casual logic has had lamp updates for all of Light World (Eastern, DM, AT)
  • Boss logic has been updated to account for the potential lack of sword
  • Updated Fighter’s Sword so collecting it doesn’t downgrade higher level swords
  • Link’s House and Sanctuary are default S+Q points which are available from the start
  • All interim s+q points have been removed (Uncle, Zelda’s cell, throne room, Old Man in DM caves)
  • Hyrule Castle gate is always open
  • Zelda is pre-rescued in Sanctuary
  • Castle/Sewers mantle door is now pushable without Zelda following you



  • Magic Cape has had its magic consumption rate quadrupled
  • Added a single bottle to Casual/Speedrunner and all four bottles to Major Glitches
  • Magic Powder no longer turns anti-faeries/bunny-spinner into faeries (bees!)
  • Increased the cost of shields to 9999 rupees
  • Silver Arrows are not in the pool
  • 12 Heart Pieces (no Heart Containers)
  • Only Master Sword is in the item pool (no Tempered or Gold)
  • All shields and mails have been removed from the item pool
  • No Cane of Byrna, ½ or ¼ Magic, Capacity Upgrades, Boomerangs or Bug Net
  • Cane of Byrna cave has had the spike damage reduced to ¼ heart making the chest accessible
  • Potions refill 1 heart (red/blue) and ¼ magic bar (green/blue) and are default cost


  • Magic Cape has had its magic consumption rate doubled
  • Added two bottles to Casual/Minor Glitches and all four bottles in Major Glitches
  • Increased the cost of shields to 2x rupees
  • Only the Master Sword and the Tempered Sword are in the item pool (no Gold)
  • A safety chest below Ganon containing Silver Arrows has been added
  • Magic Powder no longer turns anti-faeries/bunny-spinner into faeries (bees!)
  • 24 Heart Pieces (no Heart Containers)
  • Blue Mail (no red Mail)
  • Fighter’s Shield and Fire Shield (no Mirror Shield)
  • No Cane of Byrna, ½ or ¼ Magic, Capacity Upgrades, Boomerangs or Bug Net
  • Cane of Byrna cave has had the spike damage reduced to ¼ heart making the chest accessible
  • Potions refill 5 hearts (red/blue) and ½ magic (green/blue) and are default cost


Major Glitches

  • Crystals always drop while in the fake DW irrespective of conflicting pendants
  • Swamp Palace water levels now work as per vanilla (no safety fix)
  • The fake dark world now works as per vanilla
  • Removed auto lamp cone everywhere except Sewers
  • Agahnim 2 is always in Ganon’s Tower regardless of fake DW

Minor Glitches

  • Removed auto lamp cone everywhere except Sewers

No Major Glitches (Casual)

  • Pendants and crystals are now fully randomized between the 3 Light World and 7 Dark World dungeons
    • The map correctly shows where pendants and crystals are located
  • The arrow and bomb capacity upgrades are split over six +5 upgrades and one +10 upgrade (as per vanilla)
    • You don’t get a bomb/arrow refill in addition to the maximum upgrade
    • Bomb upgrades replaced “3 bombs” and Arrow upgrades replaced “10 Arrows”
    • The 50 bomb and 70 arrow capacity upgrades have been removed (will feature in later versions)
  • The Master Sword pedestal, Smithy and Fat Faerie are now regular item locations and the swords are in the pool
    • Master Sword pedestal: This gives you the item without changing your sword
    • Smithy: He gives you his item in exchange for 10 rupees and skips the tempering process (switch)
    • Fat Faerie: Mechanics have been overhauled as follows:
      • Added 2 chests as item locations replacing Silver Arrows and Gold Sword
      • Limited what you can throw to her to just bottles.
  • Swords, shields and mails are progressive (e.g. Master → Tempered → Gold)
  • Bosses can drop dungeon items (map, compasses, small keys and big keys) where the logic allows
  • The bonk keys in Desert Palace and Ganon’s Tower are now regular item locations
  • The freestanding small key in Tower of Hera is now a regular item location
  • Re-added the key doors in Misery Mire and Ganon’s Tower
  • Silver Arrows are part of the regular prize pool as an upgrade only (not a second copy of the bow)
  • Pull prize packs (3 prizes) and enemy prize packs (56 prizes) have been merged into one larger pool
  • The drop pool also includes the rupee crab (2 prizes), stunned enemies (1 prize) and saved fish (1 prize)
  • Overworld bonk prizes (62 prizes) are randomized between themselves
  • Enemy prize packs now randomizes both the enemies and the prizes
    • The Book of Mudora translates the Hylian text at the Master Sword pedestal to tell you what the item is
  • It is not guaranteed to be found before the need to get the Master Sword pedestal item
  • The zoom function of the map has been restored back to default behaviour
  • The s+q menu is now in English!
  • Lots and lots of text updates, translation to English and removal, including the opening credits sequence!
  • Link’s House can now contain the Fire Shield and Mirror Shield
  • Link’s Uncle no longer gives you the Fighter’s Shield (also removed from his sprite) and it is part of the item pool
  • There is a 5% chance Link’s Uncle will tell you which part of the world contains the Pegasus Boots
  • Master Sword icon has been removed from the map
  • No-SRAM trace is enforced when the tournament flag is set
  • Chest game 2nd chest is no longer guaranteed 100 rupees
  • Crystal dungeons always play DW dungeon music; pendant dungeons always play LW dungeon music
  • The fake flippers safety fix has been removed from all versions
  • The phantom lamp cone has been fixed (when you light a torch with Fire Rod without Lamp)
  • The Smithy no longer has Mirror as a forced requirement as he will persist through s+q as per vanilla

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